Technology is evolving, and different sectors are embracing it. However, producing precise intraoral scans for your patients is key to determining the right treatment. In the dental sector, it has been digitized using medit scanners for easier and smooth treatment. But now the question is, how does this machine work?
How Medit Scanners work
There are two types of medit scanners: The Medit i500 and the Medit i700.
Medit I500
The medit i500 uses video-type scanning that relies on triangulation technology. The scanner adapts to the speed you want, enabling it to follow when an object is in motion. Due to its technology, it takes 10-20 scans per second with better quality. In addition, the triangulation technology enables the scanner to use three camera patterns to capture 3D images. The technology can acquire high-speed data from delicate and wet materials.
Medit i700
This scanner is the newest model with the latest technology. It’s more improved than the medit i500 scanner and has innovative features. Medit i700 scanner uses the new 3D in motion video technology and 3D color streaming.
The scanner has a remote control mode that allows you to zoom in and out the images on your pc at every stage. The beauty of the scanner is that you don’t need to touch your computer as you can control it using remote mode.
It has a reversible tip that allows you to produce scans for the whole mouth. The color expression is improved and gives you a faster and smooth rendering on your software, where it supports 70 frames per second. In addition, you can send your orders to the lab faster and access patient data through the software Medlink in the Medit i700.
Dental health is vital and complicated. However, the technology used in Medit scanners is making it easier and worthwhile. So, if you are a dentist, it’s time to try this new technology for accurate scans and treatment DentCore.