A Family Dentist in Fairfield County, CT Encourages Young Children to Floss Daily

by | Feb 10, 2022 | Dentist

It’s fairly common for children to brush their teeth at least twice a day but not bother to floss. Sometimes, parents don’t emphasize the importance of flossing, especially because many adults are lazy about this aspect of oral hygiene as well. Sometimes, it’s the kids who just won’t do it. A Family Dentist in FairfieldCounty CT wants parents to understand that they should do the flossing for very young children even though the teeth are not permanent. The sooner a child becomes accustomed to flossing as part of a daily routine, the more ingrained it will become like a habit. He or she will be more likely to do this daily as a teenager and an adult.

Once the youngster is old enough to manage to floss effectively, it should be done daily by the child. There’s no specific age recommended for this since every child is different. In general, kids should be flossing on their own by the time they’re nine or ten years old. If parents have a hard time showing the child how to floss, a dentist or hygienist at a clinic such as Elke Cheung Dentistry will be happy to do so.

A Family Dentist in Fairfield County CT can offer tips on how to encourage children to floss regularly. Making it easier is one effective technique. Floss holders are available that help the child hold the floss in place without managing the slippery strand by hand. They even come in fun shapes, such as birds and dinosaurs, that are intended to make flossing more fun. The child might feel motivated if there’s a chart in the bathroom that allows family members to check off oral hygiene activities they’ve completed each day.

If the activity doesn’t become an ingrained habit, a person is at greater risk of developing decay between teeth. The risk of gum disease also is elevated because of tartar buildup between teeth. Many people brush regularly and effectively, removing food particles and plaque that eventually hardens into tartar. However, brushing can’t reach all the tiny places between teeth. That’s where a simple strand of string becomes essential.

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