Is It Bad to Eat Popcorn with Braces in Truman, MN?

by | Jul 26, 2024 | Dentist

It’s not the best idea to eat popcorn when you have braces. In general, you should avoid eating hard foods that can hurt your teeth and damage your braces. Below are ways popcorn can damage your braces in Truman, MN, as well as some tips for eating popcorn if you must have it.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Popcorn

Here’s how popcorn can damage your braces.

  • Bad for Your Teeth: Popcorn kernels are hard and can damage or chip your teeth. They can also become stuck between your teeth, leading to damage and infections.
  • Bad for Your Gum: Popcorn can scrape against your gums, leading to gum disease.
  • Bad for Your Braces: You can break your braces while eating popcorn, requiring the dentist to place new wires and brackets. It’s expensive and uncomfortable.

Tips for Eating Popcorn

We understand that popcorn is delicious, and you may fail to resist its temptation. Here are some ways to protect your braces in Truman, MN, while snacking on popcorn.

  • Take small bits and chew carefully and slowly. Remove the popcorn kernel without biting down on it.
  • Rinse the small particles after your mouth when you’re done eating.
  • Remove popcorn bits by brushing and flossing.
  • Stop eating the popcorn if it causes discomfort.

Braces Alternative for Popcorn Fanatics

If you’re truly a lover of popcorn and don’t think you’ll be able to live without it, consider Invisalign in Truman, MN, rather than traditional braces. Invisalign is removable, so you can eat popcorn and brush without fear of damaging metal brackets and braces!

Visit Birch Street Dentistry to set up a consultation for braces near Truman, MN!

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